Hands down, the question I’m asked most frequently via social media is “where is this trail??”
So I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite San Luis Obispo hikes that I return to over and over again. Organized by easy, moderate and difficult. Though keep in mind, the “difficult” are still very do-able afternoon hikes and typically only have 1,000-1,500 ft elevation gain. But they will be more of a workout (especially for anyone carrying a child) and have more challenging terrain.
Easy Hikes

- Johnson Ranch Open Space – I walk this trail monthly. It’s quick with beautiful views. I prefer the trail to the right from the parking lot. ps – a great one for parents carrying heavy babes or for kids who can’t hike anything too steep yet.
- Lemon Grove Loop or Rock Garden Loop – easy loop options (you can combine them for a longer walk) at the base of Cerro San Luis (aka Madonna). I frequent these when I need to get some fresh air.
- Serenity Swing in Poly Canyon – the last portion of this trail is very steep & slippery, but you could opt to skip the swing and still enjoy beautiful views of the rolling hills. Walking into the Canyon is a must during spring. pro tip: opt for a weekend for easier parking on the Cal Poly campus.
- Stenner Creek Trail – I love how peaceful this trail is when the creek is bubbling and the breeze is blowing through the eucalyptus trees. I often see artists with their easels at the trailhead — magical.
- Upper Lake Loop – some of my favorite views of Cerro San Luis are from this ridge (especially when it’s dotted in cows).
Moderate Hikes
- Felsman Loop – a beautiful loop trail on the base of Bishop’s Peak. I especially love this hike during golden hour.
- Cerro San Luis – the second highest peak in SLO. It’s the perfect choice for a group due to the wide trail & gentle gradient.
- Panorama Trail – the most stunning views of the valley & seven sisters. I can’t wait to hike this in the spring with all the wildflowers!
Difficult Hikes
- Bishops Peak – the tallest hikeable peak in SLO. The switchbacks get my heart rate up every time. note: the top of Bishop’s is very rocky.. there is a single bench, or giant boulders for the dare devils.
- Reservoir Canyon – I love, love this hike. It takes you to the top of East Cuesta ridge, past a “waterfall” and has the most beautiful views of the canyon.
- Morning Glory, Botanical & Shooters Loop – the views from West Cuesta Ridge can’t be beat. This 9-mile hike is perfect for anyone looking for a solid workout.
pro tip: be sure to check the City of SLO‘s website for trail statuses (especially during rainy season).
I can’t wait to hear which trails you choose! Happy hiking 🙂